School Council and Pupil Voice

At St Anne’s we aim to be a community that fosters positive relationships. We believe that Pupil Voice is an integral part of our school community. By providing our pupils with the opportunities to have their say and influence our school for the better, we empower our pupils to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

Through representation on School Council and as Friendship and Sports Ambassadors we give our pupils the key skills of:






Our Pupil Voice plays an important role in:

Collecting pupil opinions through the school

Reporting back to senior leaders and governors

Organising whole school events

Raising money for charity

Completing environmental projects

In all we do:  We Learn to Love and Love to Readiness for Life.





Transition Booklets

Our Friendship Ambassadors have made transition booklets for all children, giving some information about their new class for next years. These are available in class. Just ask your class's Friendship Ambassador!

You can see an example here:

Transition Booklet for Website.jpg

Files to Download

St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP