Mission, Vision & Intent


“For I know the Plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Jerimiah 29:11

At St. Anne’s, together in faith, we passionately commit to:


Build a loving, vibrant community with Christ at the heart;

  • Within our local and global communities, live, share and celebrate God’s word, together with the core values of our school community.
  • Work as one to make a positive difference in all that we do.
  • Responsibly keep everyone safe and secure within an environment of tolerance and respect.


Celebrate the uniqueness of all and enable them to reach their potential:

  • Value the uniqueness and dignity of all individuals, enabling them to grow, have aspirations and become global citizens of our common home.
  • To respectfully hear, listen and respond to everyone’s voice, thoughts and opinions equally.
  • Recognise and develop individual qualities to enable all to live life to the full with courage and compassion.


Through our shared vision and values, nurture knowledge and skills for life-long learning and achievement;

  • Build a place and a curriculum where everyone matters and everyone succeeds, with high expectations of ourselves and others.
  • Develop pupils who grow to care about the world and go on to make a positive difference.
  • For children to leave each stage of their learning journey with happy memories, lasting friendships and a desire to fulfil their hopes and dreams throughout their lives.


Raising self-esteem, with commitment, organisation and resilience, we achieve excellence as together we…   

“Learn to love, Love to learn in readiness for life.”

Reviewing our school's mission

In March 2023 we held our annual review of the school's mission. Children from Nursery to Year 6 worked with other pupils and their teachers to look at different aspects of our school's vision, aims and objectives. The children discussed how this is lived out and what we can do more of to improve how we live out our mission at St. Anne's.


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St Anne’s Be-attitudes in readiness for life 

At St. Anne’s, our ultimate goal is preparing our children ready for the next stage in their life journey. With Christ at the centre of all we do, the Gospel values support our children to help with all aspects of their lives.


Our St. Anne’s Be-attitudes look to support our pupils in developing personal attributes rooted in the Gospel story of the Beatitudes. When these were introduced to our staff and pupils, we recognised that there are 8 values within the Beatitudes, however, the most relevant to the age and stage of our children were chosen to begin their journey of self-development in readiness for the next stage of their life journey.


Each of the Be-attitudes has been linked to the example of our House Team Saints, giving our children real life examples of the Be-attitudes in action. Through our use of resources such as Picture News, links are made to these Be-attitudes in action around the world and in the wider curriculum we teach.


Our school’s SCORE values of Self-Esteem, Commitment, Organisation, Resilience and Excellence are used to develop our children’s readiness and behaviour for learning in each lesson. The St. Anne’s Be-attitudes and SCORE values work hand in hand to ensure our children are prepared for all aspects of life as whole individuals.


British Values at St Annes:


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs


As a Catholic School, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our Mission Statement of ‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn in readiness for life,’ encompasses these aims and is lived out in our Christian Community each day.

St Anne’s ethos is rooted in Gospel Values and all adults promote respect for others. Feedback from parents attending INSPIRE Days frequently highlights the strength of relationships between staff and pupils.  

Our SCORE Values: Self-Esteem, Commitment, Organisation, Resilience and Excellence reinforce the need for mutual respect and working collaboratively – often noted at Sports Day when pupils are keen to support each other.


Our House Teams are named after Patrons, central to the Catholic Faith and we feel that they promote a positive image and example of Gospel and British Values.



Maximilian Kolbe

St. Maximilian Kolbe - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online


Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa - Britannica Presents 100 Women Trailblazers


Oscar Romero

Archbishop Óscar Romero Becomes a Saint, But His Death Still ...


Elizabeth Prout

ICON OF ELIZABETH PROUT This is an icon... - Assumption of the BVM ...



Basil Hume


Each House Team is linked to one of our SCORE values and a British Value. Children have the opportunity during their time at St. Anne’s to dive deeper in their knowledge and understanding of their house patron, SCORE and British Values.


Self- Esteem



Individual Liberty


The Rule of Law


Mutual Respect




As a Catholic, worshipping community, pupils are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society.  This is achieved through our ‘Personal Development Curriculum’ which includes; RE, RSE, Collective Worship, PSHE, SMSC, Pastoral Support, Mental Health curriculum, Science and British Values.

Our Personal Development Curriculum and learning environment promotes the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. This supports the greatest of God’s Commandments:





The importance of laws and expectations, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country are consistently reinforced throughout the day, as part of our school behaviour policy and school values.




Pupils are encouraged to know their rights and personal freedoms and guided as to how to exercise these safely – through e-safety and curriculum lessons. 



Our Vision for St. Anne's






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St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP